Here's another great video collage somebody put on youtube...if you ask members of our team, they'll tell you that they recognize several locations and bands on this video.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Slide Show
Here are some photos from Matt Glock that will give you an idea of what our concert on Monday night looked like!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday Update
It's amazing to think that we woke up in the French Alps this morning. By noon, we were pulling into Paris via train. Then, flying with the sun and jumping six time zones, we found ourselves flying over Nova Scotia to land in Philadelphia. And, we were all in our own homes by 8:30pm. It truly is a small world after all.
After our concert on Monday night, and after returning to the CEP to unload all of the musical gear we've been using all week and say our final goodbyes to the Glock family, we arrived back at camp around midnight. With a 4am departure, some of the team decided to simply stay awake until our train ride, while the rest of us chose to get a few hours sleep.
Matt and Christophe arrived at 4am to take us to the train station. The 3 hour train to Charles de Gaulle Airport just outside of Paris was uneventful, and most of the team slept nearly the entire trip. Our timing was perfect, as we literally rolled through customs and security and right onto our plane.
At least two members of the team slept the ENTIRE 7+ hour plane trip, while the rest of us entertained ourselves with photos and video from our week and the free in-flight movies. Again, we had just enough time in Philly to roll through the 5 layers of customs and security, check on the soccer scores, make a few phone calls to family and friends, and roll onto our plane to Norfolk.
Less the one hour in the air brought us "home" to Norfolk by 5pm, where Roxanne Staples was waiting for us with our two vehicles. A quick stop for some truly American dinner at Chic-fil-A, and we pulled into the church parking lot just a few minutes after 7:30pm.
My goal today (Wednesday) is to put together some photos and video of our trip to show you.
After our concert on Monday night, and after returning to the CEP to unload all of the musical gear we've been using all week and say our final goodbyes to the Glock family, we arrived back at camp around midnight. With a 4am departure, some of the team decided to simply stay awake until our train ride, while the rest of us chose to get a few hours sleep.
Matt and Christophe arrived at 4am to take us to the train station. The 3 hour train to Charles de Gaulle Airport just outside of Paris was uneventful, and most of the team slept nearly the entire trip. Our timing was perfect, as we literally rolled through customs and security and right onto our plane.
At least two members of the team slept the ENTIRE 7+ hour plane trip, while the rest of us entertained ourselves with photos and video from our week and the free in-flight movies. Again, we had just enough time in Philly to roll through the 5 layers of customs and security, check on the soccer scores, make a few phone calls to family and friends, and roll onto our plane to Norfolk.
Less the one hour in the air brought us "home" to Norfolk by 5pm, where Roxanne Staples was waiting for us with our two vehicles. A quick stop for some truly American dinner at Chic-fil-A, and we pulled into the church parking lot just a few minutes after 7:30pm.
My goal today (Wednesday) is to put together some photos and video of our trip to show you.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday Update
Although we thought Sunday afternoon's concert would be the climax of our trip, Sunday night turned out to far exceed our expectations, especially when you consider that we didn't even yet have a location to play on Monday morning.
Monday was our last full day in France. It was the first and only day that we were able to "sleep in"...we ate a late breakfast at 9am, and then drove down the mountain to the small village of Froges. We simply spent some time walking around, enjoying the quietness of the mountain village.
Late morning, we drove into Grenoble to eat another great meal at the CEP. We then drove into downtown Grenoble to scout out the awesome location that Matt had worked out for us and to do some final site-seeing and shopping (and find one more eclair chocolat).
A few of the guys returned to the CEP to load up the equipment, and by 8pm we were set up and ready to rock! Within just a few blocks of us in nearly every direction, there was another band on every corner, and with thousands of people celebrating fete de la musique in the city, it wasn't difficult to attract a crowd, especially considering we may have been the only American band in the entire city that night.
Our first 60 minute set went well, although it was a bit rough in spots, figuring out how to deal with the wall of sound from the other bands coming at us from every direction. We took a 45 minute break to walk around and take in the music from other bands before beginning our second set around 10pm.
What took place next is not something that is easy to explain...those next 60 minutes or so were some of the most fun and God-filled moments of musical worship that anyone on our team has ever experienced. Again, I promise that we will have photos and video very soon to show you. Our guess is that around 500 people came by to at least stop for a few minutes to listen to us play and sing about Jesus, and at least a few hundred stuck around for more than a few songs. Many people from the two local churches were there to support us, but most of the people who heard us that night were most likely Grenoble locals who had no relationship with God.
Perhaps the highlight of the night was the opportunity to sing/pray "God of this City" as a few hundred people stood around listening. Knowing that God indeed has greater things to come for the city of Grenoble is a powerfully encouraging thing, both for our team and for the fellow believers that we are leaving behind.
On Tuesday, we head home...leaving the camp at 4am, traveling with the sun all day, and hopefully in our own homes by 8pm that same night.
Monday was our last full day in France. It was the first and only day that we were able to "sleep in"...we ate a late breakfast at 9am, and then drove down the mountain to the small village of Froges. We simply spent some time walking around, enjoying the quietness of the mountain village.
Late morning, we drove into Grenoble to eat another great meal at the CEP. We then drove into downtown Grenoble to scout out the awesome location that Matt had worked out for us and to do some final site-seeing and shopping (and find one more eclair chocolat).
A few of the guys returned to the CEP to load up the equipment, and by 8pm we were set up and ready to rock! Within just a few blocks of us in nearly every direction, there was another band on every corner, and with thousands of people celebrating fete de la musique in the city, it wasn't difficult to attract a crowd, especially considering we may have been the only American band in the entire city that night.
Our first 60 minute set went well, although it was a bit rough in spots, figuring out how to deal with the wall of sound from the other bands coming at us from every direction. We took a 45 minute break to walk around and take in the music from other bands before beginning our second set around 10pm.
What took place next is not something that is easy to explain...those next 60 minutes or so were some of the most fun and God-filled moments of musical worship that anyone on our team has ever experienced. Again, I promise that we will have photos and video very soon to show you. Our guess is that around 500 people came by to at least stop for a few minutes to listen to us play and sing about Jesus, and at least a few hundred stuck around for more than a few songs. Many people from the two local churches were there to support us, but most of the people who heard us that night were most likely Grenoble locals who had no relationship with God.
Perhaps the highlight of the night was the opportunity to sing/pray "God of this City" as a few hundred people stood around listening. Knowing that God indeed has greater things to come for the city of Grenoble is a powerfully encouraging thing, both for our team and for the fellow believers that we are leaving behind.
On Tuesday, we head home...leaving the camp at 4am, traveling with the sun all day, and hopefully in our own homes by 8pm that same night.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday Update
Sunday was our most fruitful day yet.
Sunday morning, we all arrived at the CEP around 9am with our host families. We practiced some familiar songs with Alan, a US missionary and worship leader for the two churches. The service was a combined service for the CEP and ICG, which is something they do six times a year, so the sanctuary was packed out.
The service went at least 1.5 hours, with more music that what we're used to at NHC...but, we weren't complaining. After leading worship with Alan, Tricia and Nathan briefly gave an update and shared their gratitude to the churches for praying with them over the past few years.
Rick preached, with the help of an interpreter about being a holy people. MP13 played a few of our own songs to prepare people for the concert in the afternoon.
At 4, the building was again packed out for the concert (it was planned for outside, but the weather wouldn't cooperate) Nic and Alex (with help from a few others) played a few of their Contagious songs to warm the crowd up, and then MP13 played for about 90 minutes. After the concert, we all spent an hour or more just hanging out with people and sharing about who we are.
Matt told us that about 1/4 of the people attending had never been to either of the local churches, and at least one person came as a direct result of the invitation she found in her mailbox. A few team members were able to share their faith with those attending, including Tricia, who spent time with a young Muslim girl.
In the evening, we were fed a "BBQ" meal of sausage, hamburger and duck breast, along with several traditional French side dishes. To say this was the best meal yet on our trip would be an understatement.
Monday, we will spend time walking around the small mountain village near our camp before heading back into Grenoble to walk around downtown and get an idea of what the night's open air concert will be like.
Pray that the people walking the streets tonight taking in all of the music will stop to listen to us and will be able to understand our message.
Sunday morning, we all arrived at the CEP around 9am with our host families. We practiced some familiar songs with Alan, a US missionary and worship leader for the two churches. The service was a combined service for the CEP and ICG, which is something they do six times a year, so the sanctuary was packed out.
The service went at least 1.5 hours, with more music that what we're used to at NHC...but, we weren't complaining. After leading worship with Alan, Tricia and Nathan briefly gave an update and shared their gratitude to the churches for praying with them over the past few years.
Rick preached, with the help of an interpreter about being a holy people. MP13 played a few of our own songs to prepare people for the concert in the afternoon.
At 4, the building was again packed out for the concert (it was planned for outside, but the weather wouldn't cooperate) Nic and Alex (with help from a few others) played a few of their Contagious songs to warm the crowd up, and then MP13 played for about 90 minutes. After the concert, we all spent an hour or more just hanging out with people and sharing about who we are.
Matt told us that about 1/4 of the people attending had never been to either of the local churches, and at least one person came as a direct result of the invitation she found in her mailbox. A few team members were able to share their faith with those attending, including Tricia, who spent time with a young Muslim girl.
In the evening, we were fed a "BBQ" meal of sausage, hamburger and duck breast, along with several traditional French side dishes. To say this was the best meal yet on our trip would be an understatement.
Monday, we will spend time walking around the small mountain village near our camp before heading back into Grenoble to walk around downtown and get an idea of what the night's open air concert will be like.
Pray that the people walking the streets tonight taking in all of the music will stop to listen to us and will be able to understand our message.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday Recap
Saturday was a great day! We ate another awesome breakfast at Champfleuri before driving into Grenoble. Both Pastor Rick and Nathan drove the two vans we are using for the week. The roads are very similar to the states, and they drive on the right (not left) side, which makes it easy.
We spent several hours in the morning and early afternoon sharing ministry experience with local musicians and church leaders. Rick led a corporate time of teach about purpose and vision, then brunch. After the food was gone, Nathan led a group of MP13 and local musicians discussing worship ministry, while Rick and a few others from our team talked more about ministry strategy with local church leaders.
After lunch, the team split up as several members were picked up by their host families for the night. About 6 members of the team drove up the Chartreuse Mountain to get a view of the city from 2000 feet above. Impressive to say the least!
Last night, everyone spent the evening and night with host families in and around the city of Grenoble. We'll be sure to post personal stories of that time with you ASAP!
Here is a video that Nags Head Church is showing this morning during their worship gatherings!
We spent several hours in the morning and early afternoon sharing ministry experience with local musicians and church leaders. Rick led a corporate time of teach about purpose and vision, then brunch. After the food was gone, Nathan led a group of MP13 and local musicians discussing worship ministry, while Rick and a few others from our team talked more about ministry strategy with local church leaders.
After lunch, the team split up as several members were picked up by their host families for the night. About 6 members of the team drove up the Chartreuse Mountain to get a view of the city from 2000 feet above. Impressive to say the least!
Last night, everyone spent the evening and night with host families in and around the city of Grenoble. We'll be sure to post personal stories of that time with you ASAP!
Here is a video that Nags Head Church is showing this morning during their worship gatherings!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday Recap
Internet connection here at our camp is slow, so I'm going to keep this short, and hopefully post more with photos tomorrow!
We're staying at a Christian camp named Champflleuri ("field of flowers") about a 20 minute drive outside of Grenoble. Probably nicer than most Christian camps in the states...we are in dorms in one building. Each married couple has their own room and bath, and the Beacham ladies are in a room and the single guys are in a few rooms. Definitely makes getting a good night sleep very easy. The staff at the camp is taking care of our breakfast every day, and we're eating some amazing food. The camp is on the side of a mountain, and the view of the mountains on the other side of the valley is incredible.
Today, we were up early and into the city by 9am. The ladies spent a few hours this morning with some women of the local French church ("CEP") in a Bible study. Tricia was asked to share her story, and they all spent time talking and praying together (and eating some more food).
Pastor Rick, Larry, Chris and Buddy spent several hours this morning with local pastors, sharing their experience serving in a church that follows a Purpose Driven model. They had some great conversation, learning about the local churches and how ministry is most effective in Grenoble.
The rest of the guys walked through the neighborhoods around the CEP, delivering invitations to Sunday's concert in every mailbox (this is legal in France).
The afternoon was spent at another local church, setting up for the concert tonight. While the rest of the team set up equipment, Nathan & Tricia drove with Matt Glock to a small village about 30 minutes away to visit with a local CF Family (visit Nate's blog later this week to learn more about this visit).
The concert tonight was actually organized to help raise awareness for the local Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. About 50 people attended, and everyone was very excited about the music by the end of the evening. The strategy is to build excitement with our first two concerts so that Monday evening's concert will be a big event.
After a long day, the team spent time back at camp around midnight, sharing their experiences from the day, talking about the culture and how we can better engage people, and looking at what God has to say about reveling his glory through conversation (David Nasser's "Glory Revealed).
Tomorrow morning we will spend more time with local musicians and church leaders, sharing our experiences with each other. Tomorrow afternoon gives us some free time to drive up the mountains and get a better view of the surrounding area. And, tomorrow night, we eat and sleep in the homes of local church members and missionaries...something that we are all very much looking forward to!
We're staying at a Christian camp named Champflleuri ("field of flowers") about a 20 minute drive outside of Grenoble. Probably nicer than most Christian camps in the states...we are in dorms in one building. Each married couple has their own room and bath, and the Beacham ladies are in a room and the single guys are in a few rooms. Definitely makes getting a good night sleep very easy. The staff at the camp is taking care of our breakfast every day, and we're eating some amazing food. The camp is on the side of a mountain, and the view of the mountains on the other side of the valley is incredible.
Today, we were up early and into the city by 9am. The ladies spent a few hours this morning with some women of the local French church ("CEP") in a Bible study. Tricia was asked to share her story, and they all spent time talking and praying together (and eating some more food).
Pastor Rick, Larry, Chris and Buddy spent several hours this morning with local pastors, sharing their experience serving in a church that follows a Purpose Driven model. They had some great conversation, learning about the local churches and how ministry is most effective in Grenoble.
The rest of the guys walked through the neighborhoods around the CEP, delivering invitations to Sunday's concert in every mailbox (this is legal in France).
The afternoon was spent at another local church, setting up for the concert tonight. While the rest of the team set up equipment, Nathan & Tricia drove with Matt Glock to a small village about 30 minutes away to visit with a local CF Family (visit Nate's blog later this week to learn more about this visit).
The concert tonight was actually organized to help raise awareness for the local Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. About 50 people attended, and everyone was very excited about the music by the end of the evening. The strategy is to build excitement with our first two concerts so that Monday evening's concert will be a big event.
After a long day, the team spent time back at camp around midnight, sharing their experiences from the day, talking about the culture and how we can better engage people, and looking at what God has to say about reveling his glory through conversation (David Nasser's "Glory Revealed).
Tomorrow morning we will spend more time with local musicians and church leaders, sharing our experiences with each other. Tomorrow afternoon gives us some free time to drive up the mountains and get a better view of the surrounding area. And, tomorrow night, we eat and sleep in the homes of local church members and missionaries...something that we are all very much looking forward to!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
In Paris
Monday, June 14, 2010
We fly tomorrow!
Here's a quick rundown of our schedule:
Leave Norfolk, Virginia for Paris, France (via Philadelphia, PA) at 11:30am on June 15.
Arrive in Paris at 8am on Wednesday.
Spend 24 hours in Paris, catching our breath and being tourists.
Catch a train to Grenoble, France on Thursday morning.
Concert on Friday evening.
Time with local musicians and church leaders on Saturday.
Worship with local church on Sunday morning.
Concert on Sunday afternoon.
Concert on Monday evening.
Train to Paris on Tuesday morning, plane home via Philly, arriving in Norfolk at 5pm.
In between all of that, we'll also be spending lots of time serving with local churches. Needless to say, we're stoked!
Thanks for your prayer and support!
Here's a quick rundown of our schedule:
Leave Norfolk, Virginia for Paris, France (via Philadelphia, PA) at 11:30am on June 15.
Arrive in Paris at 8am on Wednesday.
Spend 24 hours in Paris, catching our breath and being tourists.
Catch a train to Grenoble, France on Thursday morning.
Concert on Friday evening.
Time with local musicians and church leaders on Saturday.
Worship with local church on Sunday morning.
Concert on Sunday afternoon.
Concert on Monday evening.
Train to Paris on Tuesday morning, plane home via Philly, arriving in Norfolk at 5pm.
In between all of that, we'll also be spending lots of time serving with local churches. Needless to say, we're stoked!
Thanks for your prayer and support!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
1 Week!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
2 Weeks!
In just two weeks, we'll be in France!
We'll be flying into Paris, arriving on the morning of the 16th. We'll spend 24 hours in the city, catching our breath from the flight, recovering from jet lag and seeing a few of the sights before hopping on a train the morning of the 17th to Grenoble where we'll spend the next 5 days serving with the local churches there.
Can't wait! We're still raising financial support, and would also love your continued prayer!
Here are a few photos from a recent outdoor concert at our church.


We'll be flying into Paris, arriving on the morning of the 16th. We'll spend 24 hours in the city, catching our breath from the flight, recovering from jet lag and seeing a few of the sights before hopping on a train the morning of the 17th to Grenoble where we'll spend the next 5 days serving with the local churches there.
Can't wait! We're still raising financial support, and would also love your continued prayer!
Here are a few photos from a recent outdoor concert at our church.



Team Jerseys
We've designed a France Team jersey for our trip. The World Cup will be taking place in South Africa while we're in France, so we thought it would be fun to design a shirt that resembled the France jersey.

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